MGS will be content-driven for 2017.

Posted  On: Wednesday June 7th 2017

Written by: Mike Irwin

When I redesigned and relaunched my website, I wanted it to be more than just a landing page with some general information on it – I want to use this space as a continually-updating content area for musicians in Boston and beyond. I’m just getting started, but keep an eye out for articles about recording techniques, home studio construction, instrument and gear restoration, new music, local shows, beer, and more. Come back soon to check it out.

This is a thing by Machine Gun Studios.

MGS is a full-service studio in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. Check out more of my stuff, take a look at the studio, and get in touch to work with me in-house.

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If you've ever been involved in a project with Machine Gun, I want to he... more»
MGS will be content-driven for 2017.
When I redesigned and relaunched my website, I wanted it to be more than... more»
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Contact Machine Gun:
machine gun studios - jamaica plain, massachusetts.